Food report
Tiqah is een strategisch etnomarketing en -communicatiebureau dat u helpt om uw marketing mix te optimaliseren met een focus op de nieuwe consument.

TIQAH strongly believes in the optimisation of the marketing mix. Due in part to the advent of the internet, mass communication has been abandoned in favour of one-to-one communication. Thanks to well-thought-out segmentation, the message appeals to the individual members of the target group.

Some examples of segmentation are already common practice: leading brands now make a clear distinction between different categories of the population such as youngsters, families and senior citizens. All too often, the immigrant population is ignored.

Tiqah optimises your marketing mix.

We do this through a strong focus on diversity. Thanks to our long years of expertise in this field, we are ideally placed to help your brand or company win the trust of this new target group.

What is ethnomarketing?

The multicultural society is a reality. Traditional communication is often based on a stereotypical and outdated approach. As a result, a great deal of opportunities go begging.

For instance, the halal market in Belgium continues to grow, with a current value in excess of €2 billion.

The New Belgian is ready to be considered and treated as a fully-fledged consumer. The term ethnomarketing refers to the optimum use of your brand and marketing strategy in order to tap into this new market segment.
